Sac SoulTalks-Healing Within 2018

By RJG Productions (other events)

Saturday, May 19 2018 1:00 PM 4:30 PM PST

An afternoon of speakers, music, poetry, dance, conversation, and mystery.   with:

Jg Gonsalves - Host

Bella Dreizler - 5 Rhythms Dance, Holistic Physical Therapy, Yoga.

Indigo Moor - Sacramento Poet Laureate, Author, Playwright.

Kadea Metara- Visionary, Western Mystic, Energy Medicine and Sound Healer, Intuitive Consultant & Practical Alchemist.

and Jon Merriman - Guitarist.
YouTube- Your Tuesday Morning Guitar Song

Bella Dreizler has spent a lifetime fermenting a potent brew of 5Rhythms, yoga and physical therapy.  She brings body wisdom infused with heart and soul to the dance floor, the yoga mat and the treatment table.  For more information about her world visit 

Indigo Moor - Poet Laureate of Sacramento, Indigo Moor is also a scriptwriter and author. 
He teaches at the Stonecoast MFA Program, where he graduated in 2012 with an MFA in poetry, fiction, and scriptwriting. His full-length stageplay, Live! at the Excelsior, was a finalist for the Images Theater Playwright Award and has been optioned for a full-length film. He has three books of poetry, Tap-Root, Through the Stonecutter's Window, and In the Room of Thirsts & Hungers. 

Kadea Metara is a Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive Counselor, Alchemist and “Catalyst for Change.” She lectures, teaches, and counsels worldwide. Since 1987 she has been offering life changing private sessions and workshops specialize in the “Great Work” of liberating the human soul from the bondages of the past and awakening and birthing of it’s True Divine Nature.

As the result of a profound “near-death’ experience in 1975 Kadea “reads” the blueprint of your Soul and provides valuable insight concerning your Soul’s intentions, higher purpose and life lessons. Kadea “sees” the imprints, blocks, challenges and hurdles you must overcome to create positive and permanent life changes. She then works with you to clear these blocks using leading edge multi-dimensional healing techniques. The result being, you have a greater ability to make wise Soul choices and effect positive and permanent changes in your life.

Kadea lives in Sacramento, California where she enjoys being close to her three children and their families including five amazing (of course) grandchildren and many grand-animals.